My work from Ethiopia highlighted by Getty Images Repotage.
I presented my work at The Frontline Club in collaboration with Photojournalismhub.
My photograph made the front page of Premiere Urgence Internationale's new publication, CHRONIQUES DU TERRAIN – HORS-SÉRIE #1.
My reportage whilst working in Paris on assignment for Première Urgence Internationale has been selected by The Other Hundred to represent France CELEBRATING UNSUNG HEROES OF THE PANDEMIC and is published in their 4th Edition book entitled The Other One Hundred healers, the work was also shown in a joint exhibition held at the Hong Kong Baptist University and published by FMT News.
My reportage whilst working in Paris on assignment for Première Urgence Internationale published by Free Malaysia Today.
My photograph of Magawa the #PDSAGoldMedal winning APOPO's HeroRATs published by BBC News.
My photograph of Magawa the #PDSAGoldMedal winning APOPO's HeroRATs published by MSN News.
May 6th 2020, L’Haÿ-les-Roses, Paris, France. Health mediators from Première Urgence Internationale give advice on how to stay safe during the Covid-19 outbreak to Eastern European migrants living within an encampment in the Parisian suburb of L’Haÿ-les-Roses.
A short write up of my experiences whilst on assignment for Première Urgence Internationale
My 1st work from 2020 has been selected and highlighted by Getty Reportage.
I was Interviewed by The khmer Times regarding my work covering various issues in Cambodia.
My work Covering human trafficking and the modern day slave trade exhibited at the 2nd International conference "Cross border cooperation on Labour Migration and Human Trafficking between Cambodia and Thailand: from policies framework to the implementation”,
My work whilst embedded with the RCAF selected and highlighted by Getty Reportage.
My work covering human trafficking and modern day slavery whilst on assignment for The Guardian published in this years 2018 Global Slavery Index and The G20 Obligation by the Walk Free foundation.
My work selected and highlighted by Getty Reportage.
Human Cost featured in the Phnom Penh Post.
In commemoration of International Migrants Day, 18th of December, myself and Gruppo di Volontariato Civile (Gvc Onlus) pay tribute to Cambodian migrants and their families. Human Cost is a selection of photographs and testimonials that were captured during the course of several visits throughout 2016 whilst accompanying GVC field workers in different provinces and communes in Cambodia as part of a European Union funded project.
My work covering poor sanitation on Cambodias floating villages published in Vice France.
Embedded with the RCAF on assignment for Vice France.
My work covering human trafficking and the modern day slave trade now online and in print in this weekends edition of The Guardian magazine.
My work covering human trafficking and the modern day slave trade published by The Guardian.
For the past four years, The Guardian has been running a reporting project on modern slavery, one of the greatest human rights challenges of our time Next week my photographs will be part of an exhibition that combines specially commissioned portraits and personal stories of survivors of human trafficking and slavery from across the world. The exhibition will be running from July 30 - August 31st 2017 and is open to the public. Please join us for a drink at the launch event held at the The Guardian's offices in Kings Cross, London N1 9GU on Tuesday 1st August from 6.30-7.30pm.
My work covering Agent Orange published in Sciences et avenir.
One of my photographs published in The Australian.
My work published in The Telegraph.
My portrait of Cambodia's leading contemporary artist Sopheap Pich is now online and in print in the latest issue of The Mekong Review.
My work covering covering poor sanitation in Cambodia published in The Guardian.
My work Trafficked into slavery featured on The Frontline Club's Instagram feed.
Very proud to see my work published alongside Tim Page featuring RESILIENCE in The European Post.
An interview with myself and Tim Page regarding our recent exhibition RESILIENCE featured in The Cambodian Daily.
RESILIENCE featured in Le Petit Journal.
My full takeover whilst hosting Blinks instagram from 23rd / 30th October 2016.
RESILIENCE published in VOA News.
Very proud to see my work published alongside such a legend as Tim Page featuring RESILIENCE in this months edition of South East Asia Globe Magazine.
RESILIENCE featured by Photojournalism Now.
RESILIENCE promoted in this weeks Blink newsletter.
RESILIENCE featured on The Frontline Freelance Register instagram feed.
RESILIENCE featured in Asia Life Magazine.
RESILIENCE featured in The Phnom Penh Post.
RESILIENCE featured on The Frontline Freelance Register instagram feed.
RESILIENCE featured in Fah Thai Magazine.
RESILIENCE featured on The Frontline Freelance Register instagram feed.
RESILIENCE featured in The Khmer Times. -
I am now a part of the Blink community and a member of The Frontline Freelance Register.
My work published in The Phnom Penh Post.
My work published in The Phnom Penh Post.
3 of my photographs on the European Commission website.
My work covering Cambodian New Year featured on Getty Images best of news.
My work Cambodia's refugee crisis on Maptia.
My work published by The Phnom Penh Post.
My photograph published on the front page of the East West Centres recent report on evaluating the presence of human trafficking in South East Asia, ASEAN.
My work Trafficked into Slavery published in The Guardian article wrote by Sam Jones.
Two of my images published in Latvigas Azive. Images taken whilst on assignment for the European Union, Europe Aid and the European Journalism Centre.
One of my photographs selected for NurPhoto Pics of The Year - 2015
My work featured in the 11th edition of the Angkor Photo Festival with my recent series, Training for the K5 belt.
My work published in The Globe and Mail.
My work promoted by The Phnom Penh Post for my upcoming projection of works at this years 11th edition of the Angkor Photo Festival. Photographer George Nickels’ series looking at rats who have been trained to sniff out landmines has been published all over the world this year.
My work published by The Phnom Penh Post Weekend.
My work Boomtown Rats published in Geographical Magazine.
My work published by Defence World.
My work published by The Phnom Penh Post Weekend.
My work published by Follow News.
My work featured on The Huffington Post Live.
One of my photographs published with Spanish radio station Cadena SER.
One of my photographs published with the DFID ( United Kingdom Department for International Development ) .
My work published with the JTI foundation.
My work Published in Quest L'édition du soir.
My work covering mine detection rats published in Turkish newspaper Sputnik.
My work published in management insider Asia magazine.
My work published in The Atlantic.
My work covering mine detection rats published in Illustrert Vitenskap.
My work published in management insider Asia magazine.
My work published by The Phnom Penh Post.
My work The Birth of My Son published by Life Force Magazine.
Two of my photographs selected for NurPhoto Pics of The Year - 2014.
My work published by The Phnom Penh Post.
My work Perfect Soldiers published in Life Force Magazine.!cambodias-mass-exodus/c4cr
My work Cambodia's Mass Exodus published by The Quiet American.
My work published by The Phnom Penh Post Weekend.
My work published by The Phnom Penh Post.
My work Perfect Soldiers published by Vice France.
My work published by The Cambodia Daily.
My work Cambodian rioters shout louder than you published by Vice France.
My work published in The South East Asia Globe Magazine in collaboration with INSIDER reportage covering the mass demonstrations in Phnom Penh, my images are numbers 1-6 and 14.
My work The Prepubescent Spider-Hunters of Cambodia published in Vice United States and worldwide.
My work Firearm diplomacy published in The Jakarta Globe.
My work published in The Daily Mail.